Many internationalisation programmes throughout Europe came to life at the initiative of local or national agencies, governments and institutions, as well as European networks and projects. Nevertheless, performing arts professionals are not always well-equipped when it comes to researching and developing international opportunities.
The project “Learning Trajectories” aims at mainstreaming best practices among intermediary organisations, as well as advancing the quality of mentoring programmes that support the internationalisation of the European arts and culture sector, and making them more accessible.
- how to facilitate the access to key resources and relevant professional information from other contexts,
- which mentoring methodologies and tools can be used and further developed in order to support cultural professionals
- how to organise curated mobility experiences and prospection trips.
In order to launch and communicate “Learning Trajectories” in Europe and to collect input, insight and practices from the sector, the partners are sharing this short survey. This survey will take you not more than 10 minutes to complete.
Latest news from the project

Learning Trajectories results now available for download!
Learning Trajectories is pleased to announce that all our Handbooks are available for download and dissemination!

Learning Trajectories completes its series of Multiplier Events in Malmö
Learning Trajectories has completed its fourth and final Multiplier Event, held in Malmö, Sweden, on the 7th and 8th of September 2022.

Learning Trajectories completes its third Multiplier Event in Milan
On Tuesday the 12th of July Learning Trajectories held its third Multiplier Event in Milan, Italy.

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